FH Mental Health

Proven mental health improvements that last!!

Depression, anxiety, and stress fall by more than half in less than a year

Using FH Mental Health Program, patients experience rapid and sustained improvements in mental health.


Reduce by 51 %, in 10 months
from baseline PSS-10 score of 10.6 (moderate)


Reduce by 60 %, in 6 months
from baseline PHQ-8 score of 10.6 (moderate)


Reduce by 58 %, in 6 months
from baseline GAD-7 score of 9.5 (moderate)

Results are measured by clinically validated standard assessments — the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) for depression and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7) for anxiety.

FH Mental Health covers the full spectrum

A comprehensive set of digital mental health programs designed to meet the diverse needs of entire populations, from improving sleep and resilience to managing stress, to therapy for anxiety and depression, to finding in-person care for severe cases.

Coping Skills
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Stress Management
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Behavioral and Mental Health Therapy
(Anxiety & Depression)

Care Navigation